Friday, April 8, 2011

11/30/1925 Letter from Ted Surdez

c/o Dewey Surdez
Skidmore Mo.
Nov. 30, '25
Dear Little Pal:  Well here I am in Mo.  Came down here yesterday and we are going to work tomorrow.  The corn sure is good.  The job we are going will last about two weeks then I think we will head tward S.F.  Dewey and Bernus think it is rather strange that I am going back to Dakota this time of year.  So you know they are

kiding me a lot.  Bernus says I am the funniest guy she ever saw.  She says I always get serious but it usualy turns out to be a huge joke.  But I told her this was different.  So you see I have spilled the beans.  And they took it up right away.  Now they think I am going to get married xmas.  "Well I wish I was."  Most of the girls that I used to go with down here are married

except the one that I went with steady and she isn't here.  So you need not worry about losing me.  Well you wouldn't need to any way, even if they were all here and a lot more.  Because I only think of one girl now and she is the best in the world "Doris."  Dewey has a radio but no loud speakers so Norman and I each have a set of head phones on listening to jazz music while we write.  It works pretty (over)

good except that it makes us kinda homesick for our sweeties.  These folks sure were glad to see me.  And it seemed rather nice to see some of my old friends again.  But I would be ready to leave now if the corn was all picked.  But I don't think it will be so lonesome after we get started working again.  Doris I realy haven't been with any girl since I lift and don't intend to be.  And I trust that you will do the same.

Sure are having fine weather here.  I hope it stays this way for about two weeks.  Then, o boy won't we travel north.  Well I'll say we will.  Norman is realy homesick as this is his first time to get so far away.  He sure can pick corn for as small as he is.  We have been picking just the same amount every day.  He says I am the first guy that ever kept up with him.  And he is also the first one to stay with me.  So you see we get

along fine together.  We picked seven hundred bushels apeice in six days when we were in Iowa.  So you know we were steping right along.  How did your mothers sale turn out?  Good I hope, Have you heard from Harry?  Well dear I must close as I am out of some thing to write.

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                    Yours Forever
     xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                             X    Ted.

P.S. - Tell Les there is a lot of corn here if he comes right away but in another week jobs will be rather scarse.  You can call him and have him come down.


  1. What!? Ted skipped two whole days without a letter to his Little Pal? He sure made up for it though with this one. It is obvious he is really missing her. Check out all those awesome kisses he is sending her. Sweet.

  2. Well, you must consider that he isn't receiving them as quickly as he is sending them out. I sure wish we could get our hands on her end of this conversation. But, he was difficult to keep up with - what with all that migrant farm working he was doing. And, this is the holidays. So, "missing" loved ones is in the air, especially when he was staying on these farms where husbands and wives lived. What a wonderful yearning!
