Skidmore, Mo.
Dec. 14, '25
Dear Doris -
Well it is snowing this morning and I am rather mad. We were figuring on geting through tomorrow and going to S.F. Wensday. But it is hard to tell when we will get through now. I was sorry to hear that you got hurt and hope you are all right now. My knee has been bothering me a lot lately but it feels pretty good this morning. I gave it a hot bath last night. Norman and Dewey went hunting yesterday but I stayed home
all day and sat by the fire. Went to bed about 7:30 last night and got up at 5 this morning and now we can't work so I guess I will go back to bed. I would rather start for Sioux Falls this morning than any thing I know of but these folks have been so good to us I think we had ought to stay and help them finish. I wonder what is the matter with Les. We have been looking for him every day and he hasn't showed up yet. Is he still at Kennedy's or (-over-)
has he found some more corn to pick? I have a chance to get my old job back if I want it, and I would take it if you were here but I would die if I had to stay here all winter with out seeing you. But I realy don't know what I will do up there all winter. I don't suppose one could buy a job now and it is a long time till spring, but I suppose I will get by some way. Well I must close as news are scarse and it is almost mail time.
xx Yours only,
xxxxxxxx Ted
I love the "x's" on the last page all by themselves.