Saturday, April 9, 2011

12/04/1925 Letter from Ted Surdez

Skidmore MO
Dec. 4 '25

Dear Doris - Well we are having some winter today it started raining yesterday afternoon and turned to snow last night so we are loafing today.  We have a real good place to work.  Just a mile from where I used to work.  The guy I used to work for is all through picking corn so I am using one of his teams and wagon.  The corn is real good here we are geting about a hundred and ten bu (bushels)

a day and we haul it about a mile and a half so we only put in about six hours a day in the field.  We have about seventy acres to pick yet so I guess that will last us till xmas.  Any way we are going to S.F. when we get through here.  I only got three letters from you yesterday.  You see two of them went to Villesca and were forwarded down here.  We are going to a dance in Skidmore tonight.  Don't suppose it will amount to very much as it (-over-)

is a club dance sort of an invitation affair.  One of my old girls got married yesterday now isn't that sad "Yes I guess not."  We've been having a lot of fun with a couple kids in Skid.  They've been wanting to step out with us ever since we've been here.  They've been asking Dewey about us and he told them we were just dieing to go with them.  Now you should see the way they parade up and down the street when we are in town and they are only about fifteen.  So I think they had better

stay home with their mothers a while don't you.  So Les and Loraine are getting rather thick are they well I guess we will have to spank both of them if they don't behave won't we.  I suppose Les is about throught at Kennedys.  Wish he was down here now as there are a lot of good jobs open.  Well dear I can't think of anymore to write so will ring off hoping there is a letter in town for me now.  Am going down in a few minutes and see.  Don't forget me.

                                                                           "Yours alone"

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